Monday, 29 July 2013

Poly-technic Summer School

I love this picture of me and Clare (don't know her surname) at the summer school. With our looks, we seem to be saying 'what next?' Ian Wragg is in the background and Nick Nuttgens took the photo.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Camera on camera

One of the very strange things that happened a few weeks ago is that I dropped my new (project) camera onto my small Canon camera. It broke the viewfinder without breaking the glass/Perspex. But the camera is written off because I can't see what I want to take. This is what that viewfinder now looks like!


Lots has been happening on Parson X

Things have been happening so thick and fast that I haven't had time to blog them.
What feels like ages ago we had another photo session in the Miro studio with Sarah and Georgia taking the pictures and Sarah's daughter Chantelle as the main model.

We also took some of each other.

As you can see, it was fun!

I also took Jessica, Amanda and their mum to the Millenium Gallery.

Georgina La Grange got a job as a nanny in Spain so I won't be seeing her.

I've had a bit of a break - because I've been doing other things on Fridays.

Coming up, me and Georgia are gonna be doing some outdoors photography and all the photographers are going to coming to a discussion group with photography books.

AND I have a new person - Elaine - who is a painter!

And new projects on both Shiregreen and Foxhill - more of which later.

This is my Mandala finished....

Can you spot the difference with the one below...?

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Poly-technic Summer School

I'm still recovering from the summer school even though it finished last Saturday! I'll write more soon. It was good, I learned a lot and drew a stuffed owl. A painting to follow methinks...

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Parson Cross progress

In conversation withy my mentor, Sally Lemsford, I have changed my research question for the work to include and, in fact, emphasize that both myself and the person/people I am working with should both be inspired by what we do together. Now I need to put that into practice.

Lots going on - I am working with: Jessica and Amanda Matthews; Sarah Caldwell; Georgia Beever; Georgina La Grange and Kit Tam. We have another photo-shoot at Miro studios this pm with Sarah and Georgia taking the pics and Chantelle (Sarah's daughter) as the model.

Kit Tam

And here is a drawing that Kit, a young man who I am working with, did of one of the stuffed birds in the studio. It is done with a pen on one of the tiles that were left over after our bathroom was tiled. I like it!

Allender Mandala

A painting and collage I have just finished - I think.