Thursday, 4 July 2013

Parson Cross progress

In conversation withy my mentor, Sally Lemsford, I have changed my research question for the work to include and, in fact, emphasize that both myself and the person/people I am working with should both be inspired by what we do together. Now I need to put that into practice.

Lots going on - I am working with: Jessica and Amanda Matthews; Sarah Caldwell; Georgia Beever; Georgina La Grange and Kit Tam. We have another photo-shoot at Miro studios this pm with Sarah and Georgia taking the pics and Chantelle (Sarah's daughter) as the model.

1 comment:

  1. Shoulds, coulds, oughts and woulds... how do we achieve without pressurising ourselves? And how can we be proactive with inspiration? Perhaps we create an inspirational environment? activity? relationship? But how do we know when we are inspired? Is it cognitive or sensory? Maybe we just know when it happens and we feel the buzz, the wow, the ping ... Sally
