Monday, 19 August 2013


Well, a lot has been going on. Our photography group recently had a discussion where we looked at lots of different types of photography and I asked people what sort of photography they would like to focus upon. Sarah said ‘natural’ and Georgia said ‘close-ups’. We are going to take a field trip soon, taking pics, in the Winter and Peace Gardens in town.  

I met with Stuart, a painter, in Asda café last week – he saw my advert in Five Alive magazine, as did another painter Elaine who I have yet to meet. Both live on Foxhill. I am going to help Stuart realize what he wants to do in painting – he has huge artistic ambitions - much more to follow on this. I am hoping to work with Stuart for a long time to come.

I have won a bid to be part of Art Sheffield Festival Parallel Projects – I will hire a mini-bus and conduct a subjective tour of Parson Cross, visiting some spots where some interesting things happened when I was a teenager! Art Sheffield will publicize it on their printed guide to the festival and their website. Great! I’ll publicize this event nearer the time on this blog . The festival takes place between the 4th Oct and 14th December 2013 – you can find out more about it here

Kate Genever and Steve Pool ran a great week-long summer school on Parson Cross. I attended the whole thing and I gave a paper entitled Is Art Freedom? on the last day. I learnt a lot and met some great people.

Plus, lots more leads to follow.  I may be running a painting group at Foxhill Health Centre – please watch this space…

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